Who is Nico?
Hello, thanks for visiting my website! Scroll to learn about me.
Current Passions!
Here's a few things I'm learning right now.
Machine Learning
Currently, I'm learning about Neural Networks and several other methods of machine learning. One of my goals is to make my own image classification model that can give niche labels to different pieces of art.
Web3 Smart Contracts
As a web3 developer, I interact with data from the blockchain every day. One of the things I'm working towards is being able to write very secure Smart Contracts, and maybe even help companies expose weaknesses in their own.
Green Sock Animations
Not sure if you couldn't tell already, but some of my site uses GSAP, and I'm striving towards being able to build a smooth and seamless site with plenty of animations and only requires the user to scroll, read, and be amazed.
We were onced assigned to write a blog post about our journey as a developer in school, and from there I discovered that I actually enjoyed writing. I think it could be beneficial to other developers if they could read about another developers experiences. So, I've made it a goal of mine to try and write one blog per month.